姓 名 | 章萍 |
出生年月 | 1981.7 |
学科方向 | 环境科学与工程、环境工程 |
职 务 职 称 | 南昌大学特聘教授,副研究员、博/硕士生导师 |
zhangping@ncu.edu.cn | |
联系方式 | |
研究方向 | 1)新型环境材料研发及其在水污染控制应用; 2)资源化水处理技术及其工程化应用; 3)节能评价、工业园规划及“双碳”控制评价等。 |
个人简介 | 章萍,江西省主要学科学术和技术带头人、江西省杰青、南昌大学“215人才”特聘教授,博士生导师,主持国家自然基金3项及省部级科研项目15余项,近两年与江西永修蓝星星火(央企)、中国水务(央企)、新越沥青等企事业开展项目合作,横向经费近百万。指导的研究生业绩突出、每年1-2位获得国家奖学金等、目前毕业研究生在香港中文大学等著名大学读博或进入省生态环境厅、省水科院、山东临沂环保局等环保单位。 |
学术任职 与荣誉 | 中国硅酸盐协会矿物材料分会青年理事 |
成果获奖 | 指导硕士研究生获得2016年、2020年江西省优秀硕士论文奖;围绕江西环鄱阳湖区水体污染治理技术的实际需求,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI收录文章41篇、EI及CSCD 等中文期刊40余篇,其中一区top 共12篇(IF>10 共5篇),总他引300余次,另授权4项发明、3项实用新型专利。 |
代 表 性 论 著 | 1.Ping Zhang, Xianzhe Zeng, Xiaohan Wen, Chenkai Yang, Sida Ouyang, Peng Li, Zi Gu, Daishe Wu, Ray L. Frost. Insights into Efficient Removal and Mechanism for Ammonium from Aqueous Solution on Tricalcium Aluminate. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 366:11-20. (SCI, 一区TOP, IF: 13.273) 2.Ping Zhang, Sida Ouyang, Peng Li, et al. Enhanced removal of ionic dyes by hierarchical organic three-dimensional layered double hydroxide prepared via soft-template synthesis with mechanism study [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019,360(15): 1137–1149. (SCI, 一区TOP, IF: 13.273) 3.Ping Zhang*, Mingxue Xiang, Sida Ouyang, Shuqi Yu, Nengshui Ding, Shuguang Deng*.In-situ synthesis/purification integration strategy for simultaneous capture of ammonium and phosphorus from digested piggery wastewater using magnesium-doped tricalcium aluminate. Chemical Engineering Journal. 426, 2021,131494 (SCI, 一区TOP, IF: 13.273) 4.Ping Zhang*, Mingxue Xiang, Tao He, Huiling Liu, Shuqi Yu, Xuemei Pan, Fangfang Qiu, Zhongbang Zhu, Youqin Zou, and Yu Chen,*. High-efficiency water purification for methyl orange and lead(II) by eco-friendly magnetic sulfur-doped graphene-like carbon-supported layered double oxide. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021,419,126406 (SCI, 一区TOP, IF: 10.588) 5.Ping Zhang*, Mingxue Xiang, Huiling 44Liu, et al. Novel Two-Dimensional Magnetic Titanium Carbide for Methylene Blue Removal over a Wide pH Range: Insight into Removal Performance and Mechanism [J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interface. 2019,11(27): 24027-24036 (SCI, 一区TOP, IF: 9.229) 6.Gangpeng, Mingxue Xiang, Wenzhang Wang, Zilin Su, Huilin Liu, Yu chen, Ping Zhanga Engineering 3D graphene-like carbon-assembled layered double oxide for efficient microplastic removal in a wide pH range. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022 (in press)
7.Ping Zhang*, Sida Ouyang, Peng Li, Zhaoyi Sun, Nengshui Ding, Yun Huang*. Ultrahigh removal performance of lead from wastewater by tricalcium aluminate via precipitation combining flocculation with amorphous aluminum. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 24: 118728 (SCI, 一区TOP, IF: 9.279) 8.Ping Zhang*, Yue Cai, Lingjie Zhang, Yuting Mao, Mingxue Xiang, Zhongbang Zhu, Youqin Zou*. Superior selective removal of lead via sulfate doped flower like layered double oxide: An example of high value-added utilization of organic waste. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 307, 127267 (SCI, 一区TOP, IF: 9.279) 9.Xuemei Pan, Miaomiao Zhang, Huiling Liu, Sida Ouyang, Nengshui Ding, Ping Zhang*(章萍,通讯作者). Adsorption behavior and mechanism of acid orange 7 and methylene blue on self-assembled three-dimensional MgAl layered double hydroxide: Experimental and DFT investigation. Applied Surface Science. 2020, 522:146370-146378 (SCI, 一区TOP, IF: 6.707) 10.Ping Zhang*, Tao He, Mingxue Xiang, Peng Li, Han Chen, Nengshui Ding, Shuguang Deng*. Enhanced removal of multiple metal ions on S-doped graphene-like carbon-supported layered double oxide: Mechanism and DFT study” Separation and Purification Technology. 2022, 578:124-134. (SCI, 一区TOP, IF: 7.312)
[1] 章萍,陈雨,相明雪,马若男,欧阳思达.一种二维磁性MXene对印染废水中亚甲基蓝去除方法.国家发明专利,授权专利号:201711118613.5 授权时间2020.04.24
[2]章萍,欧阳思达,相明雪,马若男,曾宪哲.一种富镁铝酸三钙的制备方法及其在养猪沼液中氮磷去除的应用.国家发明专利,授权专利号:201810177683.6 授权时间2021年1月15 [3] 章萍,相明雪,何涛,潘雪梅,曾宪哲. 一种以粉煤灰为原料同步合成沸石及LDH方法.国家发明专利,201810906032.6 授权时间2021年2月25日
[4] 章萍、彭港、相明雪、何涛、欧阳思达. 一种LDH处理有机废水后的废弃物的回收方法及其产品和用途.国家发明专利,授权专利号:201910084776.9 授权时间2022年2月09日 |