Email: liuyongncu@ncu.edu.cn
2016-2020:美国新罕布什尔大学 化学工程 博士
2013-2015:中科院广州能源研究所 化学工程 硕士
2012-2013:中国科学技术大学 化学工程 硕士
2006-2010:西南大学 化工与制药 本科
2021/12- :南昌大学资源与环境学院
Lungang Chen#, Yong Liu#, Canshuo Gu, Gang Feng, Xinghua Zhang, Jianguo Liu, Qi Zhang, Chenguang Wang*, and Longlong Ma. (2021). Selective Production of 2-Butanol from Hydrogenolysis of Levulinic Acid Catalyzed by the Non-precious NiMn Bimetallic Catalyst. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9(46), 15603-15611.
Yong Liu, Harish Vashisth*. (2021). Allosteric Pathways Originating at Cysteine Residues in Regulators of G-Protein Signaling Proteins. Biophysical Journal, 120(3), 517-526.
Dongyan Shen#, Yong Liu#, Guangxing Yang, Hao Yu, Peng-Fei Liu, Feng Peng*. (2021). Surface-structure sensitive chemical diffusivity and reactivity of CO adsorbates on noble metal electrocatalysts. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 281, 119522.
Riyang Shu, Rongxuan Li, Yong Liu*, Chao Wang, Peng-Fei Liu, Ying Chen*. (2020). Enhanced adsorption properties of bimetallic RuCo catalyst for the hydrodeoxygenation of phenolic compounds and raw lignin-oil. Chemical Engineering Science, 227, 115920.
Rongxuan Li, Jiajian Qiu, Hongquan Chen, Riyang Shu*, Ying Chen, Yong Liu*, Peng-Fei Liu. (2020). Hydrodeoxygenation of phenolic compounds and raw lignin-oil over bimetallic RuNi catalyst: An experimental and modeling study focusing on adsorption properties. Fuel, 281, 118758.
Chenguang Wang#, Yong Liu#, Zhibing Cui, Xiaohu Yu, Xinghua Zhang, Yuping Li, Qi Zhang, Lungang Chen*, and Longlong Ma*. (2020). In situ synthesis of Cu nanoparticles on carbon for highly selective hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol by using pomelo peel as the carbon source. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8(34), 12944-12955.
Shiyou Xing#, Yong Liu#, Xiaochun Liu, Ming Li, Junying Fu, Pengfei Liu, Pengmei Lv*, Zhongming Wang. (2020). Solvent-free hydrodeoxygenation of bio-lipids into renewable alkanes over NiW bimetallic catalyst under mild conditions. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 269, 118718.
Wang Yingzhi, Zhao Rui, Wang Fan, Liu Yong*, Yu Xiaohu, Chen Lungang, Yao Yue, Lu Shuxiang, Liao Xiaoyuan*. (2020). Ultralow-temperature synthesis of small Ag-doped carbon nitride for nitrogen photofixation. Catalysis Science & Technology, 10(22), 7652-7660.
Dongyan Shen#, Yong Liu#, Guangxing Yang*, Hao Yu, Feng Peng*. (2019). Mechanistic Insights into Cyclic Voltammograms on Pt (111): Kinetics Simulations. ChemPhysChem, 20(21), 2791-2798.
Zhen Meng#, Yong Liu#, Guangxing Yang*, Yonghai Cao, Hongjuan Wang, Feng Peng, Pengfei Liu, and Hao Yu*. (2019). Electron-rich ruthenium on nitrogen-doped carbons promoting levulinic acid hydrogenation to γ-valerolactone: effect of metal–support interaction. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7(19), 16501-16510.
Yong Liu, Harish Vashisth*. (2019). Conformational dynamics and interfacial interactions of peptide-appended pillar[5]arene water channels in biomimetic membranes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(41), 22711-22721.
Yong Liu, Mohammadjavad Mohammadi, Harish Vashisth*. (2018). Diffusion network of CO in FeFe-hydrogenase. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149(20), 204108.
Yong Liu, Lungang Chen, Tiejun Wang, Qi Zhang, Chenguang Wang, Jinyue Yan, and Longlong Ma*. (2015). One-pot catalytic conversion of raw lignocellulosic biomass into gasoline alkanes and chemicals over LiTaMoO6 and Ru/C in aqueous phosphoric acid. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 3(8), 1745-1755.
Liu Yong, Chen Lungang, Wang Tiejun, Zhang Xinghua, Long Jinxing, Zhang Qi, Ma Longlong*. (2015). High yield of renewable hexanes by direct hydrolysis–hydrodeoxygenation of cellulose in an aqueous phase catalytic system. RSC Advances, 5(15), 11649-11657.
Yong Liu, Lungang Chen, Tiejun Wang, Ying Xu, Qi Zhang, Longlong Ma,* Yuhe Liao, Ning Shi. (2014). Direct conversion of cellulose into C6 alditols over Ru/C combined with H+-released boron phosphate in an aqueous phase. RSC Advances, 4(94), 52402-52409.