








2013.9-2016.9 法国图卢兹第三大学,材料科学与工程,博士

2010.9-2013.6 华东师范大学,纳米物理学,硕士

2006.9-2010.7 华东师范大学,电子科学与技术,学士


2021.7-至今,  南昌大学资源与环境学院,校聘副教授

2016.12-2021.6 广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院,博士后


担任中国化学快报(Chinese Chemical Letters)青年编委以及J. Hazard. Mater., Chemosphere, Sep. Purif. Technol.等SCI期刊审稿人









1.W. J. Liu#, C. Y. Nie#, W. L. Li, Z. M. Ao*, S. B. Wang, T. C. An, Oily sludge derived carbons as peroxymonosulfate activators for removing aqueous organic pollutants: Performances and the key role of carbonyl groups in electron-transfer mechanism, Journal of Hazardous Materials 414 (2021) 125552 (#共同一作,SCI一区,IF=10.588)

2.L. Tan#, C. Y. Nie#, Z. M. Ao*, H. Q. Sun, T. C. An, S. B. Wang*, Novel two-dimensional crystalline carbon nitrides beyond g-C3N4 : structure and applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (2021), (SCI一区,IF=12.732,Inside Front Cover,ESI高被引)

3.C. Y. Nie#, Z. H. Dai#, W. J. Liu, X. G. Duan, C. Y. Wang, B. Lai, Z. M. Ao*, S. B. Wang, T. C. An, Criteria of active sites in nonradical persulfate activation process from integrated experimental and theoretical investigations : boron-nitrogen-co-doped nanocarbon-mediated peroxydisulfate activation as an example, Environmental Science Nano 7 (2020) 1899-1911 (SCI一区,IF=8.131,Inside Front Cover)

4.M. Hong#, C. Y. Nie#, W. L. Li, X. G. Duan, B. Lai, Z. M. Ao*, S. B. Wang, T. C. An, Insight into the effect of lignocellulosic biomass source on the performance of biochar as persulfate activator for aqueous organic pollutants remediation : Epicarp nad mesocarp of citrus peels as examples, Journal of Hazardous Materials 399 (2020) 123043 (SCI一区,IF=10.588,ESI高被引)

5.T. Wang#, C. Y. Nie#, Z. M. Ao*, S. B. Wang, T. C. An, Recent progress in g-C3N4 quantum dots : synthesis, properties and applications in photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (2020) 485-502 (SCI一区,IF=12.732,ESI高被引)

6.C. Y. Nie#, Z. H. Dai#, H. Meng, X. G. Duan, Y. L. Qin, Y. B. Zhou, Z. M. Ao*, S. B. Wang, T. C. An, Peroxydisulfate activation by positively polarized carbocatalyst for enhanced removal of aqueous organic pollutants, Water Research 166 (2019) 115043 (SCI一区,IF=11.236)

7.C. Y. Nie, Z. M. Ao*, X. G. Duan, C. Y. Wang, S. B. Wang*, T. C. An, Degradation of aniline by electrochemical activation of peroxydisulfate at MWCNT cathode : The proofed concept of nonradical oxidation process, Chemosphere 206 (2018) 432-438 (SCI二区,IF=7.086)

8.C.Y. Nie, A.M. Galibert, B. Soula, E. Flahaut*, J. Sloan, M. Monthioux*, A new insight on the mechanisms of filling closed carbon nanotubes with molten metal iodides, Carbon 110 (2016) 48-50 (SCI一区,IF=8.821)